When it comes to coffee, freshness has long been regarded as the golden rule for a flavorful cup of coffee. Traditionally, coffee enthusiasts have believed that the fresher the coffee, the better the taste. As a time-dependent product, coffee releases gases as it ages, which can significantly impact its flavors and aromas. However, with modern roasting techniques like light roast, indirect drum, or fluidized bed roasting, the concept of freshness has evolved. Today, we'll delve into the fascinating world of freshness in coffee, exploring how different roasting methods impact shelf life and the perfect window for brewing.
The Traditional Notion of Coffee Freshness
In the past, the prevailing belief was that coffee tasted best when consumed immediately after roasting. This idea stemmed from the fact that freshly roasted coffee emits carbon dioxide gas. This off-gassing process, known as degassing, results in the release of volatile compounds that can significantly influence the coffee's overall flavor profile. Hence, many coffee enthusiasts would rush to brew their beans right after roasting to capture the peak of freshness and experience the full spectrum of flavors.
Also, coffee was roasted on the darker side of the spectrum compared to today's style. As dark roast develops more air pockets, it indeed degasses faster, which justifies why fresher is better.
The Impact of Modern Roasting Techniques
Modern roasting methods have revolutionized the coffee industry, offering unique advantages in terms of flavor development and shelf life. Light roast, indirect drum, and fluidized bed roasting are some of the cutting-edge techniques that have emerged in recent years. These roasting methods provide more control over the roasting process, leading to a coffee that boasts distinct and complex flavor characteristics.
In terms of gas releases and freshness, a lighter bean has a tighter structure which takes longer to have the same degas-stage as the darker roast.
The Need for Resting Days
While traditional coffee wisdom encouraged immediate consumption, modern roasting techniques have introduced the concept of rest days. As coffee undergoes the degassing process, it creates space for the development of richer flavors and more nuanced profiles. This means that the coffee needs some time to rest after roasting before it reaches its optimal flavor potential.
Every coffee is different, density, process, moisture, color and weight-loss impact the optimum rest time. Testing and tasting every day is still the best method to know your golden window. Do not worry, at Memli Coffee lab, we do that work for you so you can enjoy your coffee as soon as you get it.
1-2 Days
3-4 Days
5-7 Days
7+ Days
Espresso Brewing and the 10-Day Sweet Spot
For those passionate about espresso, we recommend waiting for around 10 days after the roasting date to start brewing. Because espresso is brewed under pressure, pulling fresh shots may release the gases quite aggressively which alters the flow and mess up your extraction. This timing allows for the full development of flavors, resulting in a delightful espresso shot with a balanced and smooth taste.
about espresso, we recommend waiting for around 10 days after the roasting date
At Memli Coffee, we are committed to educating our consumers about the intricate journey of coffee from roast to brew. Freshness is indeed a crucial factor, but with modern roasting techniques, we have found that patience is equally important. Understanding the importance of rest days and the perfect brewing window empowers coffee enthusiasts to enjoy the finest flavors in every cup.
In the ever-evolving world of coffee, the notion of freshness has taken on new dimensions. While traditional beliefs valued immediate consumption, modern roasting techniques have taught us the value of patience and the art of resting days. At Memli Coffee lab, we take pride in offering coffee that strikes the perfect balance between freshness and flavor. Embrace the journey of coffee from roast to brew, and experience the magic of savoring a cup that captures the true essence of our exceptional beans. Happy brewing!